Friday, August 3, 2012

Put Your Hands In the Air and Give Yourself a High Five!

Seriously, high five yourself right now, it feels good. Well MACers, we did it, one semester down, three to go. I think of this semester like hell week for Navy SEALS, because this is the worst the program is going to throw at us, and if we can do this we can do the rest. I'd like to thank you all for being so great this semester, there is not a person in this program that I do not like, and I respect all of you for going through what you've gone through this summer and continuing to smile every day. Special thanks to Abby for keep me on task and making sure I didn't forget any assignments, and basically holding my hand all semester. Thanks to Alex and Pete for all the tech help they've provided, it would have been rough without them. Alright, enough backslapping, time to blog.

     Today's class was a great class. It was really cool getting to see MACers who have gone through the program before us and moved on to have successful careers. This encouraged me because I saw that people have gone through this before me and made it, and went on to get jobs in a field that everyone is telling me is impossible to get hired in. It was also nice to get to hear their experiences and get a feel for what will happen when we leave the program. Their talks about how technology is actually used in the classroom made me feel a lot better about my ability to use it, and I'm now starting to get excited to actually get out there and teach.
     Our discussion in the social sciences building was also helpful for me. Up until this point I've felt a good deal of anxiety about being forced to use technology I'm not ready to use when I'm trying to teach, but after today I feel like I'll be able to control my technology use and will be properly scaffolded to use what I have to. I know things got heated for a moment when Kristin ranted for a bit, but let me step foreward and say I agree with her. There have been a lot of things in program that have been very annoying and at times detrimental to our learning, and this has created a good deal of frustration in many if not all of us. Let me just caution and say that we need to be careful to not critisize those who don't deserve it. The people who are teaching and administering this program are professionals; they know what they're doing, and they know a lot more about teaching than we do. I personally feel that there has been a lot of things wrong with this semester, but remember that a new program was implimented this year and our professors got their asses kicked just as hard as we did. I'm not writing this to chastise anyone, I understand all of our frustrations and feel it myself. I'm writing this as a reminder that we are in good hands, and things are going to get better.

So anyway, have a good August everyone; I'll see you all again in the fall; that is for those of you who don't go to the Tigers' game August 17 WHICH EVERYONE SHOULD CAUSE IT'S GUNNA BE SWEET!!! Also, for all you Ann Arborans...Arborites? Ann Arbish people? I don't know, but if you live in the area and want to get a beer sometime I'm in Ypsilanti and my number is on the course contact sheet (I don't want to post it here because I'm pretty sure random people can see this); shoot me a text!


  1. Elijah, I have to say that I enjoyed reading all your posts. You always have such a positive attitude, and always concentrate on the good things. You have a feel-good blog. So thank you for giving me that through out the semester. I too felt better talking to past MACers, especially since we're all in the theory stage and haven't approached the practice stage yet. I am looking forward to applying everything we learned into the classroom. I'm in town too, and my number is on the sheet as well. Hope to see you over break.

  2. Go on with the praising. It's okay. I like it. But thank you for not letting me quit the program.

    Anyway, I think we all just need to be aware of what we're learning and why. It goes back to what I said in my last blog that everything we're learning isn't going to be for everyone, but it might be everything for someone. This 6 weeks were the hardest 6 weeks I've ever had in my educational career because of how much was packed into it (and how much still isn't done). I don't think it was easy for anyone, including our professors.

    Talking to MAC graduates made me feel better because it was seeing multiple people who've survived the program and are actually thriving. They've become the teachers we hope we can be. Frankly, they've shown that we can get jobs and that's the most important part.

    I'll be back on the 13th and it looks like I'm not leaving tonight because of weather, since I had a plane change in Chicago. Hit me up when I get back or something. I have tickets for every Tigers game for the rest of the season.

    (And I think the proper term is "Ann Arborite")

  3. Ann Arborites is the word you're looking for though Ann Arbish does sound kind of awesome. I'll second Shaza's comment, you're blog has been a fun and supportive read because you are always so upbeat and place a positive spin on things which has been great in such a stressful environment. Also I'm glad I'm not the only one that was ok with how this class was handled, I'm sure they know what they're doing. Now comes the question will you continue the blog as we go through the rest of the program or to to the scrap heap does it go?
