Saturday, July 14, 2012

All Day Class Day

 The education 504 class on July 13 was very helpful for me. First of all, I really appreciated the lesson building activity we did in the first half of class. It was very helpful to get to work with a librarian and see what they will actually be able to do for me when I’m teaching. I had previously always thought high school librarians were just the people who told me to stop being too loud, turn in my library books already, and to get off MySpace (that’s right, those were the days before Facebook! God I just made myself feel old….Rachel, the librarian who was working with us—gave me a whole new viewpoint on librarians; she not only showed us some valuable resources on the internet, but also showed us how to use our high school librarians as a resource. I am very thankful for this as it will make life for a low-tech shmuck like me much easier.

                I liked being able to get together and plan a lesson plan from scratch. This exercise made me feel a lot more confident about my ability to lesson plan in the future, because I saw that we could actually do it. Furthermore, I learned a lot about working in a group and trying to integrate the goals of multiple people to reach a common end.
                The second part of class was less practical for me because I don’t really ever see myself using podcasts in my future classroom (but never say never right?). It was cool learning to make a podcast though, and I liked playing with the program. I must say that Abby and I made an appropriately creepy podcast for Friday the thirteenth too, and it was pretty fun...although all the other students studying in the brandon center probably didn't appreciate all the terror-induced screaming we did. On the whole though, this was a pretty enjoyable class.


  1. Elijah,
    I really liked this post. I appreciate your admission to what you thought of librarians and your realization of what they are able to do. I had similar experiences in school as well. I hope this is a lesson that sticks with you and you will remember to utilize your school librarian, considering you have a good one. Although I disagree with you about the use podcasts, I like that you have an open mind and are willing to consider using them, or at least learning about them. I like your attitude about this class.

    1. I just want to clarify that I don't see podcasts as bad or ineffective learning tools, I just don't see myself using them because it would take me so long to figure them out and deal with the technilogical aspect of using them, that they would cost me time instead of saving it. If you feel comfortable using them then more power to you!

  2. Um, our podcast ruled. Just sayin.'

    I think we forget the resources our librarians can provide for because in such a digital and technology based environment, we forget that good non-electronic resources exist, but also that librarians DO know the good, straight-forward electronic resources that can help us. As social studies teachers, we have to be able to utilize as many sources as possible to let our students learn and do correct research and succeed,

  3. I'm with you in that I don't know if I'd ever actually use the podcasting tools in my classroom. I agree that the experience with the librarians was a great reminder of what an amazing tool they, and other school staff members, can be. Fortunately, I cannot relate to MySpace as was never so (un?)fortunate as to have one. The practice lesson plan was a great way to get started thinking about how we would implement current events into out classes, I'm glad you found it enjoyable and reward, that can only speak positively to your future teaching.
